After 11 days in Akron General, I'm out! The doctor's released me last night to the care of my father (which I thought was pretty funny - obviously they don't think I can take care of myself yet.)
I'm still pretty sick. One nurse told me that for each day spent in the hospital, you should spend at least two days in bed at home. "You come to the hospital it get medicine, not to get well," he said.
Still very weak, wheezing and exhausted with each breath, I'm taking it easy at my mom's for a about a week.
I'm back online which is wonderful, even though I had more than 100 messages from just one client to answer.
Thank you for all of your cards, calls and flowers. They all brightened the deary days.
So what's wrong you may ask? What's not wrong is a better start.
About a month ago, I started coughing, went to the doctor's and was told it was bronchitis. Ten days of meds didn't make me better and the diagnosis moved to pneumonia. Ten more days of meds. I saw the doctor on Jan. 18. I was feeling a little better, still coughing though. She decided to see how I did without new meds.
I felt good all weekend and thought I was getting over the pneumonia. Felt good Monday until 4 p.m. when I crashed. Fever spiked to 105 degrees, couldn't breathe, ached all over. Kevin took me to the ER.
The pneumonia was back. But something else was wreaking havoc throughout my blood. And no one could figure it out. I had a team of eight doctors working for more than a week to figure out what was making me so sick.
The determination: Pneumonia, acute bronchitis with complications from asthma, an atypical bacterial infection and an undetermined viral pathogen causing fluid to collect around my heart. I'm on antibiotics, antivirals, steroids, inhalers, antacids, etc. I take pills eight times a day and I'm always sick to my stomach.
I go back for new blood work Monday to see if my ever-rising white cell count has started to fall.
Again, thanks for checking in! I'll keep you all posted!