When Isabella is sick, no one sleeps. She wants rocked and cuddled and kissed. Finally, after nearly two straight weeks of nights of only 3-4 hours of sleep, Isabella decided to sleep through the night Thursday and Friday. (Despite her new acute ear infection and tonsillitis, she is eating and sleeping again.)
Until last night. She was up again.
I think her left ear was hurting again. The doc told us that the pressure in her head is pretty intense. Until the eardrum tears to release the pressure, she will be in pain. I thought yesterday marked the day of the drainage. So we'll see how she is today.
Even though she was not feeling well Thursday, she wanted to see Grandma Mary for here birthday. We joined her, Papa Steve, Aunt Julie and Uncle Chris for dinner and gifts. She was good until she was done eating, then she wanted to go home.
"I don't feel good," she said. So Kevin and I packed up and went home. At least she slept that night!