Of late, Isabella has suffered from separation anxiety. She's easily upset when we are out of her eye line. She cries and throws fits until we return. We've been working with a family therapist to help Isabella through these issues. Preschool is one of the steps in this process.
I wasn't sure what to expect yesterday when I stepped out of the room that first time. She cried but calmed down quickly when I returned right away. When I left the second time, she looked back but was okay. She went over to paint a picture.
She tried one escape move when she noticed me looking in the window but didn't flinch when I encouraged her to go back in.
Great job, baby girl! (Oh, you're not a baby anymore.)
It looks like a perfect little place for your sweetie to learn and grow. I'm so glad she's working through her separation anxiety. What a big girl you are, Isabella!
Great job Bella - you are going to have so much fun!!!!
Let the fun times begin:)
Great Job Bella, We're so proud of you.
It was so neat to hear about your first day of school and your friend you made! You're going to have so much fun! :-)
Preschool looks like a lot of fun!
YAY!!! Good Job Isabella! :-) Can't wait to hear all about it! We love you so much!
What fun new experiences! Good for you Isa! Enjoy your time!
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