Anytime anyone tries to pull Isabella's hair out of her face, she pulls out the rubberbands, berets or scrunchies. The hair accessories end up on the floor, behind the couch, in the vacuum and in her mouth. Plus, she's such a wiggle worm that pulling her hair up turns into a speed tournament between you and anything Isabella has in her eye's view.
I'm trying to convince Kevin, with the help of other family members, to let a hairdresser cut bangs so Isabella can see. While hair in her eyes doesn't seem to bother her much, it drives me crazy! Your thoughts???

Jen -
I am so glad you are all feeling better!
My personal opinion would be NOT to give her bangs!
Love, Dee
P.S. Thanks for posting all the new pictures!
Kevin and Jennifer,
YES, YES, YES . . . give Isabella some bangs. She will look like a little girl -- instead of pulling on her poor little head everyday by putting in those little rubber bands. Those things hurt -- no wonder she is pulling them out!!! Cut her hair so she has bangs then you can leave her hair down during the day. She will be even more cute than she already is. You've had Christmas pictures taken -- so take the chance and trim her hair in the front. If you don't like the bangs, she has lots of years to grow them back out. Poor little thing is always telling me "Grandma, tell my Dad to trim my hair so I have bangs and I don't have to wear those things in my hair -- they hurt my head! No kidding, Kevin! Make an appointment to trim Isabella's hair.
Love you all,
Mom K.
I vote for bangs as well... I'm sure it will look cute.
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