When we finished with Dr. Kempf we have to go to the outpatient lab for Isabella's bloodwork. This was awful! The nurse stuck her 4 times but couldn't get the needle in her vein. Isabella was very upset (so was mommy) and was kicking and screaming until she turned tomato red. The nurse stopped and said we'd have to bring her back another time since she was so mad. We are headed there today unfortunately. I'll let you know how it goes.
Enjoy these couple pictures of Isabella's first nap at the Marriott. This was about an hour after we picked her up.

LOOK AT THAT WILD HAIR!!! She is so precious. It's only been 2 days since I last saw her and miss her terribly. Hope she's sleeping more like that for you.
I love you all,
Jules ;-)
She is just so gorgeous. I've been showing her off to people at work! They all keep saying what a blessing she is!
Can't wait to see you guys again!!!
She's so pretty! Kaylie keeps saying she wants to play with baby Izzy... In due time=)
Thanks for keeping us posted.
Kristy and Kaylie
Congratulations to all five of you. She is beautiful.
Hope you guys are doing okay... hope to see another update soon!
Dear Kevin,Jen, and Izzy,
Congratulations. You are now a true family all together finally. We are so very happy for you. I hope you are feeling better now. Jim & I also had bronchitis in Florida. It was not a fun vacation. LOve to all of you. With your love,lots of patience, and prayers you will weather the adjustment your little darling is trying to make.LOve, Jim & Lil Sens
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