Saturday, April 29, 2006

Cruisin' in the GTO

Isabella journeyed with Dad on her first ride in our '66 GTO. Grandpa Kramer captured the moment in these photos!

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Good doctor report

Isabella is doing wonderfully according to all her doctors.

We visited the Oak Adoptive Center at Akron Children's Hospital today for Isabella's one month check-up. She's gained 1.5 lbs since coming home; all her blood tests came back normal; her TB tests are negative; she is performing above average in play-based assessment and language development; and she is adjusting "quite well" according to the psychologist.

Each doctor gave me tips and ideas to help Isabella continue to develop her already advanced skills, including mimicking games.

Her doctor team will watch her closely and in six months will do another complete evaluation to see how much more she's learned!

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Trying to catch up

Before Isabella came home, I was the most organized and efficient person I know. But now that's all changed.

I find myself scrambling to fit in 20 hours of work each week, taking care of a very active 10 1/2 month old, helping my sister finalize her wedding plans, plan a baptism and huge first birthday party and get sleep, clean the house, do laundry, make dinner, care for two dogs, etc. I'm making it but I have a new respect for working parents!

Since she's catching an extra nap today, I had a chance to catch up which means posting to this blog. Sorry for the delays in putting up new pictures, but they are worth the wait!

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

S'getti Face

Isabella enjoyed her first taste of spaghetti and tomato sauce Monday night. While she made a big mess, she sure loved it!

Monday, April 17, 2006


Isabella had her first shots today. I think it hurt me more to hold her down than the shots hurt her, but she still put up a heck of a fight. Two nurses had to help restrain her as a third nurse did the TB injection and immune system injection test. We go back on Wednesday to have both the spots "read" for possible problems (though I know there won't be any).

After she was calmed down she hasn't paid much attention to the spots on her arms which are marked in pen with smiley faces. She hasn't been too fussy either and is enjoying an afternoon treat - playing with Grandma Kramer who is off work recovering from shoulder surgery.

Happy Easter!

Isabella had another activity packed day.

First, church. This was the first time Isabella was not quiet and respectful at mass. I think she was distracted by all the other whining kids around us. Kevin tried hard to keep her occupied but eventually took her outside when she began throwing her toys in the aisle for people to pick up for her.

Next, we stopped for a quick lunch break at Grandma and Grandpa Kramer's before heading up to Bedford to meet the Cantwell clan. This was the first time the great aunts and cousins met Isabella so there were lots of hugs and kisses to go around. Plus, the kids enjoyed an Easter egg hunt!

Finally we visited Grandma and Papa Gaylord and had ham dinner with Aunt Julie and Uncle Chris. We took a short walk after dinner before Isabella finally cashed out.

Saturday, April 15, 2006

What A Day!

Good Friday was quite a day for Isabella Kramer.

First, we journeyed for the third time in as many weeks to Cleveland Hopkins, this time to meet cousins Kristy, Mackenzie, Karen and Jerry for the first time.

Then she went to Strongsville Mall with mom and dad, Grandma Mary, Great aunt Dee Dee, Great uncle Ted, and second cousins Brittany and Jessica. She enjoyed McDonald's french fries before getting her ears pierced. Yes, that's right, she got her ears pierced. Words can't describe the experience so enjoy the photos from the exciting event!

We finished up the day with dinner with friends Chelsea, Rick, Nicholas, Lyndi, Matt and Tanner. We even walked to Strickland's for ice cream. Isabella was disappointed she couldn't enjoy the custard quite yet.

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

More pictures to cherish

First dinner out - Pizza Hut with Uncle Tim, Aunt Melissa and mom and dad
Reading and eating paper ("My favorite snack") with Grandma and Papa Gaylord
Eating like my doggies, Kalli and Molly
"I'm such a mess, but I'm still cute!"
"When mommy and daddy say no I give them this look. It always gets me what I want!"

We love pictures!

Thursday, April 06, 2006

Doctor Update

Isabella met her primary pediatrician today, Dr. Holsinger with Children's Hospital Physician's Associates in Ellet. Isabella had been very fuzzy this morning so I wasn't sure how the appointment would go. She was very apprehensive of the doctor because of the tests and appointments from last week, but she eventually warmed up.

Most of her blood work came back great. We are still waiting to hear about a few tests which had to be sent to another lab for analysis. We go back on Monday for her first TB test.

This afternoon was filled with fussy crying and more stomach problems. Isabella has been fighting diarrhea since we came home and it was back today, unfortunately. She finally crashed while eating dinner in her highchair. I'm hoping she'll sleep through the night (unlike last night).

Kevin is busy at work in Las Vegas but checks in frequently as he really misses Isabella. He can't wait to come home and we can't wait for him to be home!

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

First day away

Kevin's dad offered to take Isabella for the afternoon so I could get some rest and catch up on some work. It's been so hard being away from her!

While I was able to get about an hour's rest, I wondered what she was doing, how she was behaving and what I was missing - the smiles, giggles and crys believe it or not.

Kevin called a few times to check in to see if she was okay but I didn't want to pester. I really needed the rest and really appreciated him taking her for a few hours. But I didn't expect to miss her so much!

We've got a busy rest of the week with visits to friends and doctor's, and Kevin is flying to Vegas tonight so I'm solo until Sunday. Hopefully I'll still have some hair when he gets home.

"This takes good!"

"I can play nice if I want too!"