Monday, April 17, 2006


Isabella had her first shots today. I think it hurt me more to hold her down than the shots hurt her, but she still put up a heck of a fight. Two nurses had to help restrain her as a third nurse did the TB injection and immune system injection test. We go back on Wednesday to have both the spots "read" for possible problems (though I know there won't be any).

After she was calmed down she hasn't paid much attention to the spots on her arms which are marked in pen with smiley faces. She hasn't been too fussy either and is enjoying an afternoon treat - playing with Grandma Kramer who is off work recovering from shoulder surgery.


Anonymous said...

Shots are not fun.

Isaac goes for round 2 tonight.

Anonymous said...

How CUTE!!!!
I remember Mike and DeAnna's 's'ghetti faces'.....what great memories!
Isabella is adorable!
I can't wait to 'officially' meet her!
Hugs....Mrs. B.