Thus, the NEO Guatemala Family Group!
It was started a little over a year ago by a mom who was waiting to bring her daughter home. Christmas was approaching and she was down much like I was the year prior. She longed for her baby. So she reached out to others in NEO who were in a similar situation. She posted a note on asking anyone who was in her situation who wanted to meet to talk and cry and bond, to meet her for lunch. Twelve people responded and the group was born. Now most of the babies are home and we were able to celebrate with all of them at the 1st annual Christmas Party.
I got involved with the group mid last year when I met the "president" online. And now I'm lucky to call her a friend. Thanks so much, Mindy, for such a great day!
NEO Guat X-mas Party 12/8/07
You and Bella look cute in your Christmas attire! :-)
I'm glad you got to see friends you don't get to see very often, looks like you all had fun! :-)
Love you guys xo
Hi Kramers---I just have to tell you that you guys look great--(thanks for the card). How lovely for this group to be connected by such beautiful short people!
Happy days!
Thanks for the Christmas card/photo=) Yours should be there soon!
HI Kramers!
I met you sorta kinda at the NEOHIO Christmas party. We didn't get to talk I don't think, but I was the one that took Isbaella's picture and she screamed no..LOL
Have a great holiday!
Wishing you all a Very Happy Holiday and May God Bless.
Andy D.
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