Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Good doctor report

Isabella is doing wonderfully according to all her doctors.

We visited the Oak Adoptive Center at Akron Children's Hospital today for Isabella's one month check-up. She's gained 1.5 lbs since coming home; all her blood tests came back normal; her TB tests are negative; she is performing above average in play-based assessment and language development; and she is adjusting "quite well" according to the psychologist.

Each doctor gave me tips and ideas to help Isabella continue to develop her already advanced skills, including mimicking games.

Her doctor team will watch her closely and in six months will do another complete evaluation to see how much more she's learned!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Jennifer & Kevin,
Thanks for sharing your great news. So glad to hear that Isabella's adjusting so well & the tests were normal. She's so cute!
Cousins Val, Tom & family