Monday, July 30, 2007

Barbie Jeep

Kevin has wanted to get Isabella a Power Wheels for as long as she's been with us. I have always said no because she really has nowhere to ride it except in the backyard since we live on a steep hill and have a very steep driveway. I didn't want to let her ride it in the street even though it's quiet because it would teach her the street is a place to play.

But when a friend of Kevin's from work called this weekend and said he had a Barbie Jeep to get rid of, Kevin said ow much. When Randy said free, I said okay!

Isabella was excited to see the Jeep and kept saying Kelsey's, Kelsey's so we explained that this was hers. She hopped in and immediately played with the phone. She had no interest in driving. That will come though.

Sunday, July 29, 2007

Birthday Club

We finally took Isabella to Toys 'R Us for her birthday. She got a personal birthday card from Geoffry, the Toys 'R Us giraffe, the week of her birthday along with a $3 gift card. It instructs mom and dad to bring the card into the store with the birthday girl for a special surprise. So, with her card, gift certificate and birthday gift cards, we went in - our first stop: customer service. Isabella got a special birthday crown, a balloon and stickers. They even announced her name over the loud speaker. She used her birthday money to buy a stuffed Mumble from the movie Happy Feet and a Diego animal blow horn.

I didn't forget about sharing Isabella's special Father's Day gift with you. It's a shirt that says: World's Greatest Dad!

Friday, July 27, 2007


Aunt Julie & Uncle Chris got Isabella an Elmo sprinkler for her birthday. We tried it out but Isabella wasn't too sure about it at first. Now she loves it.

I can't wait until she's feeling better because we will pull Elmo back out for some backyard fun. (Summer virus update: Still running a low-grade fever and have moved into the diarrhea phase. I talked with her doctor today and she said that the diarrhea means Isabella is fighting the virus. The low-grade fever and diarrhea could last up to 10 more days.)

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Summer virus...argh!

Isabella is fighting what the doctor's call a summer virus! She's running a fever, has diarrhea and is just miserable. She just wants held and doesn't want to eat. Motrin seems to help bring the fever down a little but does not seem to provide any other relief. She finally slept well last night so I'm hoping that the extra rest will help kick this flu-bug out (and hoping no one else in the house gets it!).

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

My Sandbox

Isabella's Grandma & Papa Kramer got her a Little Tikes Sand & Water table for her birthday. This toy serves two purposes - a great outdoor present and a therapy for her sensory disorder. The textured sand helps her learn to "feel" different things. Plus she loves to make a huge mess in the water and sand!
Thanks Grandma & Papa!

Monday, July 23, 2007

Speech and Occupational Therapy

At Isabella's 2-Year Well Visit, Dr. Rubin noted that Isabella's sensitivity to certain textures had not improved. She recommended that I contact Help Me Grow for a full evaluation for a sensory disorder. I called right away and within a week was paired with a Summit County social worker.

She visited the house and did initial developmental screenings with Isabella. The screenings showed a delay in speech as well as a fine motor disorder. Tomorrow, Isabella's team of therapists (3 in all) will come to the house for the first visit. We will spend 45 minutes on speech therapy and 45 minutes on OT.

A lot of adopted kids go through speech and occupational therapy. We remind folks that for the entire time her mother was pregnant and for the first nine months of her life, she heard nothing but Spanish. A speech delay is expected. And as for the OT, sensory disorders are also very common in adopted kids because of the shock of changing homes. It's a coping mechanism that usually works itself out before kindergarten.

So wish us luck tomorrow as we begin our new adventure.

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Reunion Success

After lot of planning and preparation, the Stow-Munroe Falls' High School Class of 1997 10-year Class Reunion was a success! At least in my eyes, and I hope in everyone's who was able to attend the event last night. It was so great seeing old friends and reconnecting with everyone. Ten years changes a lot of things, but it also reminds me how much things remain the same. To those classmates who are loyal Kramer blog readers, WELCOME and continue to visit. Post comments so I know you're still reading and stay in touch! Check out some of these great pics from the reunion!

Thanks Sam or Brian or whomever did this...

That's a nice pic!

The class president announced how thankful the class was for my hardwork and presented me with these flowers and a $50 gift certificate for dinner. (Kevin and I think we might go to our favorite place that we never get to go to-Smokey Bones!)

Friday, July 20, 2007

Harry Potter Mania

Many of you know of my obsession with everything Harry Potter. At exactly 12:01 a.m.. Saturday morning - tonight are all the parties - the seventh and final book will be released for sale.

This morning, Isabella and I waited in a long line at our local Borders store to get my number for the long lines tonight. Anyone who has a book reservation can buy their books after 12:01 a.m. July 21 so thousands line up hours ahead of time to get the book then. I guaranteed my spot in line by arriving this morning at 8:15 a.m., waiting in line and getting my #. I'm #70!

I can't wait to read the first chapter tonight. That's all I'm allowing myself because I have a busy day tomorrow with the reunion and I need to get a good night's rest. Sunday though - don't call, email or come to the house because I'll be tucked away reading!

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Videos Galore

Had a few minutes during nap time and away from reunion stuff to post this LONG video of everything Isabella. It is a collection of videos from the past few months. Enjoy and check back next week for new posts and lots of pics.

View this montage created at One True Media
Lots of Videos of Isabella

Monday, July 09, 2007

Planning takes up time

If you see only a few posts the next few weeks, it's because all my free time is being spent finalizing plans for my 10-year class reunion. It's been kinda a one-woman planning committee for an event expecting 150+ people. So lots of odds and ends to take care of the next few weeks. But I'll be up and running full-steam after July 22!

Sunday, July 08, 2007

The Hot Pool

During the summer, Grandma Mary and Papa Steve turn down the temperature in the hot tub so Isabella can swim in it. She loves the water so the hot pool, as we call it, is the perfect size and depth for her to swim and splash around.

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The Hot Pool

Friday, July 06, 2007

The Zoo with Grandma Sue

Before Grandma Sue started her summer classes at The University of Akron, she went to the Akron Zoo with Isabella and me. We had a lot of fun and saw lots of amazing animals. Isabella loves saying the names of each animal and making the sounds the animals make.

Thursday, July 05, 2007

Our Super Busy July 4th

Up at 7:30 am and running all day, left us a tired crew last night. Isabella and I had to arrive in Stow by 9 am to hop on the Little Leapers float for Stow's Annual Fourth of July Parade. All the kids looked adorable in their gymnastics outfits, but a mix up in the parade order had little girls crying on the parade route, nearly 2.5 hours later! From what I heard, the Little Leapers float was originally assigned the #3 position after the military salute in the parade because the little kids have such a hard time sitting to wait for the long parade. But that didn't happen. At 10 am when the parade kicked off, the kids got really excited because they knew we would be moving soon. By 10:45 am, we were still in the same spot in the parking lot and the kids were getting anxious.

Finally at 11 am one of the Little Leapers staff went to ask what was going on and was told of a mix up in the order. The parade official explained that he was working on getting us in the lineup ASAP. That didn't happen until nearly 20 minutes later. Some of the girls were crying and one little girl had to go pee so bad it trickled down her leg. Isabella was tired and cranky but was a sport about waving to the people watching. But as soon as she saw Daddy, she wanted off and started crying. (Good thing he was toward the end.)

Needless to say, an hour and 15 minutes later, (for a total of 4 very long parade hours) at the end of the parade route, Isabella and I were ready to get off the float. I was so exhausted! But we had a picnic at Grandma & Papa Kramer's and one at Grandma & Papa Gaylord's yet to go! But we had a really good time eating barbecue and smores! Plus Isabella got to hold her first Sparkler - with Aunt Julie's help, of course!Our FloatMom and Bella before the parade

The Hip Hoppers Team practicing the dance

Waving at the crowd

"I see Daddy! I want down!"

Grandma Sue, Kelsey and Bella reading after eating burgers and hot dogs

Watching firecrackers with Daddy

Holding a Sparkler with Aunt Julie

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Vacation (May 2007)

Finally I've got a video together of the fabulous trip to Corolla, North Carolina. Everyone who went had a great time and it was fun to see Great-Aunts Sue and Jeong A, Second Cousins Tricia, Stephanie and Ryan and Great-Uncle Brad. Plus it was great to hang out with Grandma Mary, Papa Steve, Aunt Julie and Uncle Chris all week long.

Thanks for all the great memories and all the swimming lessons!

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Corolla, NC Vacation (May 2007)

Monday, July 02, 2007

Finally...Isabella's Birthday Celebration

When I was searching through the hundreds of photos of Isabella's birthday party for pics to post, I decided there were too many great shots of the party. So I made a video! Hope you all enjoy!

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Happy 2nd Birthday, Isabella!

Sunday, July 01, 2007

Happy Birthday, Grandma Sue!

Today is Isabella's Grandma Sue's birthday. We can't wait to go over to her house later to play on the swing and slide and pick fresh blackberries to eat. Then we get Isabella's favorite meal "pizza, pizza." Oh and cake!

Happy Birthday!

Here's a pic of Isabella and Grandma Sue watching the Lemurs at the Akron Zoo. (You'll see more pics of our fun day later this week!)