Up at 7:30 am and running all day, left us a tired crew last night. Isabella and I had to arrive in Stow by 9 am to hop on the Little Leapers float for Stow's Annual Fourth of July Parade. All the kids looked adorable in their gymnastics outfits, but a mix up in the parade order had little girls crying on the parade route, nearly 2.5 hours later! From what I heard, the Little Leapers float was originally assigned the #3 position after the military salute in the parade because the little kids have such a hard time sitting to wait for the long parade. But that didn't happen. At 10 am when the parade kicked off, the kids got really excited because they knew we would be moving soon. By 10:45 am, we were still in the same spot in the parking lot and the kids were getting anxious.
Finally at 11 am one of the Little Leapers staff went to ask what was going on and was told of a mix up in the order. The parade official explained that he was working on getting us in the lineup ASAP. That didn't happen until nearly 20 minutes later. Some of the girls were crying and one little girl had to go pee so bad it trickled down her leg. Isabella was tired and cranky but was a sport about waving to the people watching. But as soon as she saw Daddy, she wanted off and started crying. (Good thing he was toward the end.)
Needless to say, an hour and 15 minutes later, (for a total of 4 very long parade hours) at the end of the parade route, Isabella and I were ready to get off the float. I was so exhausted! But we had a picnic at Grandma & Papa Kramer's and one at Grandma & Papa Gaylord's yet to go! But we had a really good time eating barbecue and smores! Plus Isabella got to hold her first Sparkler - with Aunt Julie's help, of course!
Our Float
Mom and Bella before the parade

The Hip Hoppers Team practicing the dance

Waving at the crowd
"I see Daddy! I want down!"
Grandma Sue, Kelsey and Bella reading after eating burgers and hot dogs
Watching firecrackers with Daddy

Holding a Sparkler with Aunt Julie
I'm glad everything worked out and it was a great day off of work!!
Can't wait for another busy weekend ahead of us!! :-)
Love you all
Oh what sweet pictures!!! SHe is such a doll and it looks like you guys had a great time! Hope to see you at the picnic..it starts at 1:00 and will probably go for awhile:-)
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