Friday, September 21, 2007

Fun Friday

Yeah! Another week of training is over and I officially only have one week to go. By this time next week, I will be done with training and I can work from home on my terms on my own time.

So I got off work early today, came home and swooped up Isabella for a quick Akron Zoo trip. She has been dying to see the lion and Akron added a tiger to its exhibit. I figured I could combine the zoo trip and exercise so I power walked the course in 40 minutes. We still hit all the important exhibits and spent some extra time talking with the lion that was chilling in the shade.

Then we stopped by our house to play with Molly and Kalli. The dogs jumped and licked Isabella so much! And she gave them treats.

It was a great mom and Bella afternoon.


The Kramer's said...

Sounds like a good time to me!! Talk to you soon!!!
Love you guys!!

Mindy said...

How much fun! I love the Akron Zoo....we went there A LOT this summer and now that the weather is cooling down...well maybe not this week but you know what I mean...then I think it's time for another zoo trip!