I heard my mom say all the time while growing up how quickly the time goes. I always thought she was just being sentimental, but now that I'm a mom , I know what she meant each and every time she said it.
A year ago Isabella was barely talking, was just starting to get her bearings as she ran around the house, was not even feeding herself. Wow-what a year changes!
Today, my chatter box keeps me on my toes running from room to room, moving from one game to her favorite toy. She tells me when she wants lunch and when to change her diaper. She takes off her own clothes and brushes her own teeth. She soothes herself to sleep and swims like a fish.
I long for the days of spoon feeding my princess and rocking her to sleep; of bathing her in the sink and feeling for the newest tooth; of running for every peep and soothing every whimper.
But, now I love the days of talking about zoo animals, coloring in her books, reading her stories, singing nursery rhythms, baking cakes and just being together. I love when she asks for hugs and when she kisses my nose for no reason.
I can't wait to see want this year brings (but I do wish the time didn't go by SO fast!)!

Jen -
How beautiful! Yes, they do grow up fast - but it is wonderful that you have this blog to keep all the memories to share with Isabella as she grows up even more!
You made me cry!!!
Miss and love all of you!
That was the most beautiful thing you've written in a long time! I had to keep wiping the tears away just so I could see and read at the same time. I can't even imagine how it is you feel, but I do agree that the time you and Kevin have had Isabella has just flown by. I make a point to see her at least once a week and I swear every time I see her, something is different or she's saying or doing something brand new. It's fun to watch her grow and learn new things, but sad at the same time.
Just know that as she gets older you'll get to experience more and more with her.
Love you all and Happy One Year on being 'Official' Bella! :-)
Wonderful Blessed Memories.
More where that came from.
But, you are right ~~~~ they go much too.............fast!
Hugs and Love on this your Gotcha Day anniversary. Andy D.
I cannot believe that was a year ago! The pictures of then, and now, wow she really has grown this year!! That was a very special day, thanks for letting me be a part of it!! We love you all! See ya on Monday!
I am completely with you! Jakob is a slow grower and even looking back at pictures of him from a year ago when he found out he was going to be a big brother..just amaze me! He looked like a baby and now..a little man :-) And Nathaniel..he's a very fast grower--he is crawling already!! I don't even feel like he was ever a baby.
It sounds like you guys might be ready for another little one?!?!?! One is a blessing and two a miracle.
Thanks for sharing your beautiful thoughts.
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