Friday, June 20, 2008


A few weekends ago, Isabella and Mom & Dad headed to Columbus for a family weekend. We hit the Zoo and COSI and a river festival. We visited three malls and played with friends Laura, Josh, Isaac and Ally. Isabella loved staying in a hotel and absolutely LOVED the Zoo. She rode on a boat and a train, pet a snake and saw HUGE vampire bats. She fed birds cups of nectar and rode on a real-live horse (by herself). At COSI, we rode in a spaceship and in an underwater submarine. We dueled King Triton and pet a lizard. Watch our video for a documentary of the long weekend.

View this montage created at One True Media
Family Trip to Columbus 2008


Anonymous said...

That looked like such a fun weekend! Julie sent me her newest pictures...she is SO ADORABLE! And getting so big!! Hope all is well with you guys!

Laura said...

I'm so glad we are able to squeeze in a visit during your Columbus weekend! It was great to see you guys and Isaac had a blast with Isabella! :)

Thanks for sharing all your pics... we're definitely headed to the zoo this summer after seeing how much fun you all had.

Julie Madera said...

I love those pictures! I'm so glad you guys had such a great time. :-)

Kristy said...

Nice pictures:) Looks like you all had such a good time together! Your little build a "dog" is the same as Kaylie's, Snowball:)