Monday, July 30, 2007

Barbie Jeep

Kevin has wanted to get Isabella a Power Wheels for as long as she's been with us. I have always said no because she really has nowhere to ride it except in the backyard since we live on a steep hill and have a very steep driveway. I didn't want to let her ride it in the street even though it's quiet because it would teach her the street is a place to play.

But when a friend of Kevin's from work called this weekend and said he had a Barbie Jeep to get rid of, Kevin said ow much. When Randy said free, I said okay!

Isabella was excited to see the Jeep and kept saying Kelsey's, Kelsey's so we explained that this was hers. She hopped in and immediately played with the phone. She had no interest in driving. That will come though.


Laura said...

Aren't free toys just great?! Especially when they're big ticket items. ;)

Isabella looks adorable in her new Jeep.

The Kramer's said...

She looks pretty comfortable in that Jeep chatting on her phone!! :-) Love the pics!! At least that one isn't as wild as Kelsey's corvette! See you guys soon,
Love ya,

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad Bella FINALLY got her power wheels! She's so adorable! I can't wait till she actually starts driving it.
She can come ride in our driveway!
See you all soon!
Love you guys,
Julie :-)