Monday, July 09, 2007

Planning takes up time

If you see only a few posts the next few weeks, it's because all my free time is being spent finalizing plans for my 10-year class reunion. It's been kinda a one-woman planning committee for an event expecting 150+ people. So lots of odds and ends to take care of the next few weeks. But I'll be up and running full-steam after July 22!


Anonymous said...

Best of luck on your 10 year class reunion. You have quite an under taking ahead of you. God Bless.
Look forward to hearing all about it. Hugs and Love, Andy D.

Anonymous said...

Good Luck, Jennifer!

Anonymous said...

Like I told you last night, if you need Bella out of your hair for awhile, Chris and I are right around the corner!
I've seen enough things that you've planned and I know the reunion will be fantastic. You always put your sweat, blood, and heart into everything you do. Everyone will have a great time, don't stress over the little things.
Chris and I CAN'T WAIT for our entire weekend of babysitting little Miss Bella! :-)

Kristy said...

Have fun planning and enjoying your reunion... 10 years. I'm so greatful ours is over- I was one of 4 helping plan the weekend's events. All the hard work is worth it... you'll do a great job!
If all goes well, we might see you guys in a few weeks at the family reunion=)