Monday, May 21, 2007

Busy weekend

Ever have a weekend that flies by because you have so much going on that you can't stop to catch your breath? This was one of those weekends!

Friday, Kevin and I attended his cousin's wedding. Sarah looked absolutely beautiful, and she and Ben were beaming with happiness.

Saturday called for a birthday party for another cousin who was in town for the wedding. Noah turned four, plus we all got to meet baby Samantha, born in February.

Following mass and a baptism for a family friend on Sunday, we headed to yet another birthday party for Owen who today turned one.

Isabella is feeling the stress, too. Note the time I'm posting...she awoke crying at 1:15 a.m. I thought she just wanted a drink, but something told me to check her temperature. It was 104.2 degrees. Motrin and an hour of cuddling and "cool rag" therapy calmed her enough to head back to bed. I'll be getting up early to call her pediatrician to get an appointment.


Anonymous said...

Even though you all were so busy, sounds like you had a good time!
I'm sorry to hear Bella isn't feeling well. Hopefully by Friday she'll be back to her old self!!
I'll stop by and see you all this week, hope everyone else is feeling well.
Love you,
Julie xo

Anonymous said...

Jen -
Hope Bella is ok!!!! Sounds like you guys had a pretty full weekend!


Laura said...

Hope Isabella is feeling much better soon!

Anonymous said...

We're sure you all need a break after the busy weekend. Let us know how Isabella is feeling. We are honored that you made time to share in Nathaniel's baptism with us. Hope you get some much needed rest this week. Take care--it was great to see you guys and we're looking forward to being together again soon!

The Kramer's said...

Give Isabella big hug for us, I hope she feels much better, and recovers from her busy weekend! I know it was a whirlwind to us!!
See you guys tomorrow!