Wednesday, May 02, 2007

First Zoo Trip of the Year

Isabella and I joined friends Tracy and Paige for our first visit to the Akron Zoo of this season. As members of the Zoo, our family can take guests to the Zoo for free so we took advantage of the wonderful weather to see the new lions that joined the Zoo this winter.

Isabella was so excited to see the lions I couldn't keep her in her stroller. She would walk up to each exhibit and look back at me and ask - "Lions, where?" When we finally made it to the lion exhibit she pushed her way right up the glass so she could see them!

We all had a great time!


The Kramer's said...

The bottom picture is my favorite. To cute! I had just read in the paper about the lions that were visiting, glad you guys got to go and see them!!

Anonymous said...

I totally agree, the last picture is so precious. I love how she's straining to look through the crowd just like the guy next to her!
I'm glad you guys had a great day. I'm still waiting for my 'free' visit!
Love you all and see you tomorrow!