We parked at FastTrack Parking Services off Engle Road. This new parking place had such great service. We pulled up to the door; they unloaded the car, placed the baggage (8 pieces in all) on the tram and parked our car for us.
The driver dropped us right at the Southwest Curbside check-in. No line. Fast check-in. And on to security.
Isabella was in her stroller so we got to go through the wheelchair line at Hopkins. We walked right up to security, took off our shoes, took Isabella out of the stroller and walked through. No problems. No waiting. We had plenty of time to find our gate and wait for the flight.
Once to the gate, I checked us in for pre-boarding since Isabella was in her stroller. We could check the stroller at the gate and the airline would have it ready for her at our destination.
During our wait, Isabella said she had to go to the bathroom. I took her and sat with her for 15 minutes. No pee-pee. She said she was done. Not two seconds after I set her down off the toilet did she pee all over the floor, my feet, her feet and her shorts. Good thing I had a change of clothes in her carry-on.
Uncle Keith, Aunt TT and Kelsey & Kylie arrived just before pre-boarding and it was time to go! The plane ride was uneventful except for the fact that Isabella didn't understand that she had to sit in her own seat. She never did. She sat on Kevin's lap, my lap, the floor - anywhere but her seat.
Once we arrived in Orlando we gathered up the bags - everything made it! - and proceeded to the tram to go to the car rental place. By this time it's 9 pm and the girls are tired - so are the moms and dads. We had to wait in line to check-in at Thrifty for 45 minutes, then load the vans and head to a gas station for snacks and a potty break.
We didn't get to the condo in St. Augustine until 12:20 am. Papa and Grandma were so nice and had pizza ready for us to eat before everyone went to sleep!
What a day!

"I'm flying. Look out my window!"
"Uncle Keith, I see you!"
"Aunt TT - Where's Kelsey?"
"We are so tired!"
"I love my Papa!"
I can't wait to hear how you put the flight home into words!! :-)
Love ya,
Welcome home Kramer Family,
Look forward to seeing lots of photos and stories of your family vacation. Isabella just gets cuter everyday. Hugs from Andy D.
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