Wednesday was a nice day - hot, but nice. Again, the girls went swimming at the pool and the beach. Grandma and Papa surprised the parents by offering to babysit that evening so we could go out to dinner and hit the town. We were given a strict timeline-6 pm until 10 pm. Four hours by ourselves, what would we do with the time??!!
Keith and Tiff wanted Outback but I wanted to go somewhere off the beaten path so we split for dinner. Kevin and I headed to a nice seafood restaurant called the Sunset Grille. We had wonderful service and a tasty meal complete with banana daiquiris. YUM!
After dinner, we hooked back up with Keith and Tiff and went into historic St. Augustine for a nice walk. By 8:30 pm Keith and Tiff wanted to head home but Kevin and I decided to go to the lighthouse for a walk. NICE! We didn't head back to the condo until 9:30 pm. Such rebels!

I'm so glad you and Kevin got some time to defiantly deserve it! :-)
Love you guys,
So Julie, has me in suspense waiting for the post of the flight home!!!???!!! :-)
Glad you guys were able to go out and enjoy each other!! Miss and Love ya!
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