Well, Isabella and I moved back in with my parents this past weekend. I started training at a new job Monday. So Isabella doesn't have to get up early and to cut down on my commute to Solon, we are staying with them for the 4-6 weeks I will spend at the office in training. Then I will get to work from home processing and billing maintenance on foreclosed properties.
Getting up each morning and going into an office has been a big adjustment for me. Even though I don't have to be at the office until 9 am, it's still hard for me. I still am taking all my medications and added back meds to help with pain. Sitting all day in a bad office chair doesn't make it feel any better. In fact, yesterday I developed a bruise on my back from the added pressure it is dealing with this week. I'm so used to sleeping 10-12 hours a night and having a nap in the afternoon. (I know you are thinking I'm a spoiled brat, but if you knew the list of meds I was taking and the side effects, you'd question how I could function at all.)
Isabella is doing well, playing with the dogs (Bayli, of course, and Kalli and Molly since Kevin is working in Chicago this week) Grandma and Papa (who is off work recovering from surgery). She continues to tell me she doesn't want me to go to work, but she will adjusting well. (Thanks to them so dealing with all this.)
This new job will allow me time to devote to my PR business and provide a steady stream of income to help cover the mounting medical bills that fill our mail box.
I like the people who are training me so it makes the monotonous work worth it. Plus, in less then six weeks, I will be working at home! (A special thanks to Julie for helping me land the gig.)
Good luck Jennifer on your new job; glad to hear that you've found a job that will still enable you to be with Isabella once training is over!
If, by chance, you ever hear of any "work at home" types of jobs, please pass the word onto me. I have 10 years data entry/input experience and over 10 years office/computer experience.
We have lots of medical bills as well and could use some extra income, but leaving the boys to work outside the home is not an option for us at this point in time.
Take care and enjoy the holiday weekend.
No problem Jen. It's nice to be able to spend our lunches together at work!! :-)
Good Luck w/ the new job! Let us know if you need any help with Isabella! We would be more than willing to help!!
Love ya!
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