Monday, January 09, 2006

CO2 Scare

Kevin and I were awaken this morning to a strange beeping every thirty seconds. Kevin went o investigate and found the CO2 detector going off. We weren't sure if the alarm sounded and the thirty second beeps for warnings of an alarm or if the batteries needed changing. Kevin changed the batteries and the beeping stopped but he still wasn't sure if the alarm sounded in the first place. So we called the fire department to come do an inspection. Everything was okay, thank goodness.

But this really got me thinking about what kind of danger we could have been in and Isabella could have been in if it was a true CO2 leak. I'm thankful that one of the safety requirements to pass the home inspection is having a working CO2 detector.

So please, everyone test your detectors. Make sure the batteries are up-to-date and pay attention to those beeps!

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