Sunday, January 29, 2006

Clothes Shopping

With an end to this adoption nightmare finally in sight, Kevin and I went shopping. And did we shop.

We met up with an old friend, Laura and her husband (Josh), at Summit Mall. They live in Columbus and Kevin and I haven't seen them since their wedding three years ago. They were headed up this way to meet up with Laura's mom and sisters. Laura and Josh had a baby six weeks ago and all her family lives in Geneva so half way was Akron. So we lucked out! We got to spend time with friends and give lots of attention to Isaac. It was a really great time!

So while at Summit Mall we brought lots of clothes for Isabella. Since she's 17 pounds right now and we are hoping to travel within 8 weeks to bring her home, we brought 6-9 month sizes. But we also found great deals on 18 months clothes, too, to use for next winter. Some items were less than $1 and most were between $1.50-$4 each. So we really stocked up. She even has a new winter coat and matching hat.

We were having so much fun that later that evening we headed to Strongsville Mall to hit the Children's Place there. Again, lots of different items in stock and cheap!

But we'll have to wait a little bit longer to get the rest of her travel items. We don't want to buy too much and have to return a bunch of stuff once she's home. We'll have lots of fun with her the first few days she home, shopping and stocking up on diapers.

P.S. Happy Birthday Laura!!!!!

1 comment:

Laura said...

It was SOOO good to see you on Saturday! Thanks so much for meeting up with us! :)